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Agricultural Mechanization

Without machines, the whole farmer’s life would stand still today, which is why it is essential to maintain agricultural machinery in order not to be left empty handed, in which Tecflow supplies the necessary cleaning agents and lubricants.

Optimal lubrication

Ceramic Lubricants

In agriculture, machines are real workhorses and it is also expected that they always run, because without machines nothing is earned either.

Lubrication is of great importance in engines that do such heavy work. Tecflow has developed a special ceramic motor oil additive to optimize lubrication and to minimize wear.

We make this ceramic addition especially for your engine so that it matches the characteristics of the engine and achieves optimum lubrication.

High quality oil

Oil has many different grades and this is of great importance with heavy engines. This is because it concerns the service life and reliability of the motors that partly depend on lubrication.

Tecflow supplies the highest quality engine oil for the engine of your agricultural vehicle. Together with you we look at the characteristics of your engine and we deliver a customized oil. This is possible to deliver with the Ceramic Addition from Tecflow in order to achieve optimum lubrication.

Tecflow Special fuel additive

Fuel System Cleaner

As with every combustion engine, residual products remain after the combustion of the diesel, which can be harmful to the engine. The smallest form of contamination in the engine results in the engine operating less efficiently. Think about:

  • Higher oil and fuel consumption
  • Higher emissions
  • Reduced power

Tecflow produces a fuel additive especially for your agricultural machinery for cleaning your engine which also removes algae from the tank.

Bacteria / algae in fuel

After a while, every company with its own diesel tanker or stationary agricultural machines will encounter the problem that moisture forms in the bottom of the tank and ensures the development of algae. The algae can cause the following problems:

  • Clogging the fuel filters
  • Flakes and pollution of the fuel
  • Polluted or clogged injectors
  • Can cause rust in the tank and pipes

The algae feed on the diesel and multiplied rapidly in the bottom of the diesel tank

Tecflow produces a fuel additive specially for your tanker or agricultural machinery that is added to the diesel tanker and then the algae removed from the tank. Because the product emulsifies with water, this also prevents the algae from re-nesting in the tank.

Need help finding the right additive? We are experts!

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